Tooth-Colored Fillings

Repair That Blends In

Studies have shown that about a third of children aged 2 to 5 have had a cavity. Even though baby teeth are only around for a few years, it’s still essential to keep them healthy because they hold the space for your child’s adult teeth. They also help your child develop proper speech patterns and allow them to chew normally.

The Procedure

The procedure for fillings is the same for a child as it is for an adult. Depending on the size of the decayed area, a local anesthetic may be given. If your child has any anxiety over the procedure, we have some sedation options available to make the procedure more comfortable.

After the decay is removed, a special gel is used to clean and etch the surface. Once the filling material is in place, it is light-cured, polished, and adjusted to make sure it doesn’t interfere with your child’s bite. The tooth-colored filling material is much like a natural tooth in texture and is matched to your child’s tooth color. Say goodbye to the days of dark, metal fillings, no one will  notice your child's natural-colored fillings.

After treatment, it’s important to maintain a regular home-care routine of brushing twice a day and flossing once daily. This will help keep your child’s restorations healthy and prevent any future decay.