
Seamless Smile Rejuvenation

We believe in a conservative approach when fixing even a single broken tooth. Modern dentistry allows us to rebuild teeth to full function while preserving as much of the natural tooth as possible.

Crowns vs. Onlays

Sometimes teeth suffer damage because of cavities, heavy bite forces, trauma, or even natural wear over time. While teeth may need to be fully “capped” with a dental crown, some smaller fractures can be restored to full function with an onlay. A crown requires a little more tooth preparation, but onlays allow the unbroken portions of a tooth to be left alone. A custom piece of porcelain, like a partial crown, is bonded to the damaged area.

Onlays blend seamlessly with the natural enamel and enhance both function and appearance. Dr. Noreen Goldwire will evaluate your tooth and determine if the conservative approach of an onlay is best for you.