SDF or Silver Diamine Fluoride

Safe Protection with SDF

Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a conservative approach to stop tooth decay in a non-invasive manner. SDF is most commonly used in baby teeth that will be lost in a few years. Our team can discuss with you if SDF treatment is right for your child.

What is Silver Diamine Fluoride?

Silver Diamine Fluoride, is an FDA-approved antibiotic liquid that can stop tooth decay from progressing. While this treatment probably won’t prevent the need for a restoration in the future, it has been proven effective in stopping further decay until either the baby tooth is lost, or a more permanent means of repair can be performed, like a filling or crown.

The Procedure

After the treatment area is isolated and dried, Dr. Noreen Goldwire applies the Silver Diamine Fluoride to the decay using a small brush. A fluoride-infused sealer is then placed over the SDF, so it can work it's magic undisturbed.

After your child’s procedure, daily home treatment with a fluoride rinse (like ACT) is recommended, as is twice-daily brushing with a fluoridated toothpaste.

What to Expect After Treatment

After your child’s appointment, you may notice some discoloration where the Silver Diamine Fluoride has made contact with the surrounding tissue of the gum, skin, or an existing restoration. The decayed area where the SDF was applied will also turn dark. This is an indication that the SDF is working and is perfectly natural.

SDF is safe, FDA-approved, and is very effective at stopping decay. However, if your child has a silver sensitivity, please let us know before their appointment.