Teeth Cleaning

Get a Clean Smile

Dental emergencies can strike anyone at any time. Although, our patients who commit to regular preventive care appointments usually experience fewer problems over time. We suggest  patients have a professional cleaning every six months.

Why are dental cleanings are important?

Professional cleanings with a registered dental hygienist allow us to take a proactive approach to your dental health. We can address issues while they are small and avoid costly procedures in the future. Even with diligent at-home care, plaque build-up can turn into tartar on your teeth. Plaque can be removed at home by diligent brushing and flossing, but tartar is a much harder substance and can only be removed by a dental professional. If tarter is not removed it can cause cavities, gingivitis, and tooth loss in extreme cases.

What to expect at a cleaning

When tartar is removed at your professional hygiene appointment, it doesn’t have the opportunity to produce irreversible damage. We use professional instruments and prescription strength polishing paste that gently buffs away stains and plaque, leaving your teeth ultra-smooth and shiny. Since discoloration settles into the enamel of your teeth over time, this helps slow yellowing while maintaining a glassy surface for better cleaning. We want your smile to be bright and healthy, make sure you keep up on your cleaning appointments to prevent future damage!