Root Canals

Never Ignore Tooth Pain

Teeth are surprisingly complex structures and are made up of several different types of tissue. They consist of layers of enamel and dentin that protect the pulp inside the tooth. The pulp is made up of connective tissue, nerves, and blood vessels. It provides nutrients and sensation to each tooth. Even with the protective layers surround the pulp, it can get infected and cause severe tooth pain.

Tooth pain can be alarming, but it's meant to warn you that something's not right. Pain tells us that the pulp inside your tooth is irritated, damaged, or under attack.

What is a Root Canal?

A deep cavity can give bacteria access to the pulp. Significant infections called abscesses may develop in your jaw without any symptoms at all. If Dr. Noreen Goldwire determines that the nerve won't recover or an infection is present, then root canal therapy may be suggested.

Modern anesthetics provide powerful numbing for a gentle removal of the inflamed nerve inside the tooth. The nerve canal undergoes disinfection and careful shaping. Then, a sealer fills the internal space. A filling or crown over the tooth helps return the tooth to its original function.

Are Root Canals Safe?

Internet articles continue to circulate claiming adverse health effects from root canals, despite years of research proving otherwise. Many of these claims rest on false theories put forward decades ago without any scientific basis. In fact, new techniques and materials make root canal treatment more successful than ever.

We always have your best interest in mind when suggesting treatments. Our team is here to listen to any questions or concerns you may have about your root canal.